Our Constitution

1. Name

The name of the Society shall be the Northern Lincolnshire Archaeology & History Society.

2. Aims

The aims of the Society shall be to:

  • Encourage involvement and enjoyment of the archaeology and local history of northern Lincolnshire,
  • Engender a desire to preserve the historic environment of northern Lincolnshire, by making members aware of its richness and diversity,
  • Educate and entertain members about archaeology and local history matters.

3. Objectives

The Society shall achieve these aims principally through:

  • A programme of lectures,
  • Publicity, for example, a regular newsletter or bulletin and the website,
  • A programme of trips and activities, and
  • Liaison with other organisations with similar aims.

4. Membership

4.1 Membership shall be open to all, on payment of the relevant subscription.

4.2 Only individuals who have paid the current subscription shall be entitled to vote, to stand for election, to nominate or second motions, to raise resolutions at General Meetings or to call for a General Meeting.

4.3 The Committee will have the right to withdraw an individual’s membership, in the case of serious or persistent contravention of the Society’s Constitution.

5. Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions for members shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.

6. Committee

6.1 The Society shall be administered and managed by a committee elected annually from within the membership.

6.2 The Committee shall comprise Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and up to five other committee members.

6.3 Co-option – the Committee shall have the power to co-opt members should vacancies arise, until the next Annual General Meeting.

6.4 The Committee shall meet on a two-monthly basis but not fewer than five times a year.

6.5 The Chair shall be responsible for conducting Committee meetings and General meetings. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will carry out these duties.

6.6 A Secretary shall be responsible for the correspondence of the Society and shall have custody of all documents belonging to the Society.

6.7 A Secretary shall keep full and accurate minutes of all formal meetings of the Society.

6.8 Election to the Committee is open to all members of the Society.

7. Finances

7.1 The finances of the Society shall be administered by the elected Committee, through the Treasurer.

7.2 The Treasurer shall produce financial updates at each committee meeting and a yearly statement of accounts at the Annual General Meeting, appropriately audited if required.

8. Annual General Meeting

8.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in June each year.

8.2 The following business shall be transacted at that meeting:

  • The minutes of the previous meeting shall be read and confirmed.
  • Reports shall be received from the Chair and the Treasurer.
  • Elections shall be held for officers and the committee.
  • The level of subscriptions for the following year shall be determined.
  • Any resolutions put forward by members shall be discussed.

8.3 Twenty-one days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be sent in writing/electronically to all members, at which time the agenda for the meeting shall also be made available.

8.4 At the AGM all Committee members shall retire but be eligible for re-election.

8.5 Nominations for Officers and Committee shall be given to the Secretary up to two days before the meeting date. Nominations shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the Society.

8.6 Any resolution to be discussed at the AGM shall be received in writing by the Secretary, fourteen days in advance of the AGM.

9. Extraordinary General Meetings

The Committee can call an Extraordinary General Meeting, or one shall be called if 20% of the membership writes to the Secretary requesting it.

The Secretary shall then write to all members advising them of the resolution to be discussed and the date and time, twenty-one days in advance

of the meeting.

10. All General Meetings

10.1 Any General meeting shall be considered quorate if one-third of the membership attend.

10.2 Any General meeting shall have the power to amend the Constitution, following the receipt of an appropriate resolution.

11. Voting

11.1 The outcome of voting at all meetings shall be determined by majority.

11.2 In the event of a tied result the Chair shall have the casting vote.

12. Constitution

The Constitution shall stand until changed by resolution at a General Meeting.

13. Policies

13.1“Equality and Diversity Policy”

13.1.1 An Equality & Diversity Policy has been established for the Society. This will provide a clear process for the Committee in dealing with any issues of discrimination, harassment, and victimisation in the Society.

13.1.2 The Policy is Appendix 1 to the Constitution.3

13.1.3 All Society members will be provided with a copy of the Policy.

14. Dissolution

In the event of the Society being dissolved:

  • Any charitable assets remaining after payment of proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to a charitable institution/institutions or society having the same or similar aims to those of Northern Lincolnshire Archaeology & History Society.
  • Any records of the Society shall be deposited with an appropriate organisation.

Note: where the Constitution refers to “in writing” this includes any digital messages which can be printed.

This revised Constitution was adopted on 20th December, 2023,

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